The Pension Auto Enrolment scheme was set up by the UK government to encourage workers to start saving for retirement through their pension plans at work.
Employers are legally required to enrol eligible workers into a pension plan. If not done on time it could lead to severe penalties.
Looking for auto enrolment pension help? According to the 2008 Pensions Act, every UK employer who employs at least one member of staff has a legal duty to put specific employees into a workplace pension and also make contributions towards it (Which is known as ‘automatic enrolment’).
You must know the auto enrolment pension rules and ensure that your pension plan is compliant with the auto enrolment pension scheme. You should not assume that all policies meet these minimum criteria. If your plan is not sufficient, take steps to make sure it meets all the requirements.
A standard pension scheme, such as NEST or People’s, is acceptable for small businesses. Larger businesses with many employees should contact us to ensure their pension scheme is suitable to avoid penalties.
Do you need pension auto enrolment help? We’ve got your back. Although Pension Auto Enrolment can be confusing, we can assist you in determining whether or not it is applicable to your company, who’s affected, when to act, and how to proceed.
Quest CMA are pension specialists in Birmingham UK that offer a far better and cheaper alternative to heavy penalties, and we will provide you with full information about any effects auto enrolment pensions can have on your company or business.
The auto enrolment pension system allows eligible workers to save for their retirement without the need to do anything. Your employer will automatically enrol you in a pension plan and take your contribution out of your paycheck if you are eligible.
Call us on 0121 2350315 for a FREE PENSION REVIEW of your business to help you pay less tax and keep more money in your pocket.
Pension auto enrolment is when an employee meets certain criteria and is automatically enrolled in a workplace pension plan. In the past, it was up to employees to choose whether or not they would like to be a part of their employer’s retirement plan.
Call us on 0121 2350315 for a FREE PENSION REVIEW of your business to help you pay less tax and keep more money in your pocket.
While not all employees will be required to enrol in a workplace pension automatically, you must evaluate them all and decide if they are eligible. You must ensure that all staff that are eligible be enrolled in a pension scheme. They can start at age 22 and continue on until they reach the state pension age.
Call us on 0121 2350315 for a FREE PENSION REVIEW of your business to help you pay less tax and keep more money in your pocket.
Directors who do not hold employment contracts are exempted from auto enrollment pension schemes.
Call us on 0121 2350315 for a FREE PENSION REVIEW of your business to help you pay less tax and keep more money in your pocket.
Based on qualified earnings, the minimum contribution an auto enrolment employee makes to their pension savings is 8%. Minimum employer contributions are 3%. The minimum contribution from employees is 5%.
All pension auto enrolment figures are correct at the time of writing. Please contact us for the latest figures.
Call us on 0121 2350315 for a FREE PENSION REVIEW of your business to help you pay less tax and keep more money in your pocket.
If you want to discover how we can help your business, Quest Birmingham Accountants offers the following services: Tax Services, Self-Assessment, VAT, Payroll, New Business, R&D Tax Credits, Annual and Management Accounts, Tax Returns, Self-Employed Accounts, Business Planning, Business Tax, Accounts Services, Bookkeeping, Pensions, and UK Tax Deadlines.
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